1. ipft::ipfpwap
    Indoor localization data set with the positions of the wireless access points present in the ipftrain and ipftest data sets. Unknown locations are stored as NAs. Data from the positioning tutorial of the seventh international conference on indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN2016).
  2. ipft::ipftest
    Indoor localization test data set to test Indoor Positioning System that rely on WLAN/WiFifingerprint. It was created during the Fingerprinting-based Indoor Positioning tutorial of the seventh international conference on indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN2016).
  3. ipft::ipftrain
    Indoor localization training data set to test Indoor Positioning System that rely on WLAN/WiFifingerprint. It was created during the Fingerprinting-based Indoor Positioning tutorial of the seventh international conference on indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN2016).